How You Can Help
The Midview Band Boosters rely on parent volunteers to function. Volunteering for fundraisers and events directly benefits the band. With volunteers, we can raise money vital to the band's operation and provide the best experience to band members during their time with the Band.
When are Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed all year long. The Midview Band Boosters stay busy even during the summer when school is out.
High School Varsity Football Games
There are 10 games in the regular season. We need 10 volunteers for each of the five away games. Home games require a significantly larger workload because of the Concession Stand and Band Barn. The Concession Stand is vital because it raises a large amount of proceeds used to fund the Band. We need 12 parent volunteers for each of the five home games to work the Concession Stand. The Band Barn provides food and snacks for the Marching Blue and the visiting band after halftime performances, and we need four parent volunteers for each of the home games. Between the 10 regular season games, we have a total of 180 volunteer spots available for the entire season.
If each family commits to working the concession stand for one game per season, we will have all the volunteers we need to staff the concession stand for the season. Visit the Marching Band page for more information under Our Bands.
Blitz Day
Each school year, the Band sells the Gold Cards. These cards give the cardholder discounts at local restaurants and businesses for the year. This acts as a major fundraiser for the Band and provides a significant amount of funds used for Band expenses. We have volunteer opportunities for both the planning stages and the Blitz Day, where band members hit the pavement and go out and sell. We need drivers to transport band members and usually try to stick with three to four band members per driver. For more information, visit the Blitz Day page under Fundraisers.
Parade of Bands
The Parade of Bands is another major fundraiser for the Band, and it is held on the 3rd Saturday in September. Enjoy consecutive halftime shows from the Marching Blue and visiting bands from the area without the football game. A total of 34 parent volunteers are needed for this event to cover setup, ticket sales, concession stand, 50/50 sales, candy gram sales, shout-out sales, raffle basket ticket sales, and the Band Barn. For more information, visit the Parade of Bands page under Fundraisers.
Evening with the Band
The High School Winter Concert held in December doubles as a fundraiser. While minimal volunteers are needed for the event itself, most of the volunteering efforts are in the planning stages in the months leading up to the event. These volunteers coordinate everything from seat assignments for reserved tables, catering the snacks and drinks for the reserved tables, setting up the silent auction, acquiring and assembling the raffle baskets, and other logistical items. For more information, visit the Evening with the Band page under Fundraisers.
Night at the Races
Guess what, parents? This one is for adults only. The kids stay home for Night at the Races. Night at the Races is another major annual fundraising event that generates lots of funds for the Band. This event needs a lot of parent volunteers, and we provide better counts for what we need as we get closer to the event, so keep an eye on the BAND App calendar event page for updates. This event requires months of planning and volunteers to help at the event. For more information, visit the Night at the Races page under Fundraisers.
Band Boosters
The Midview Band Boosters is the 501c3 volunteer support group for Midview School District's instrumental music programs. There are no membership fees, and as a band parent, you are already a member. Our organization membership is also open to friends of Midview music education, such as alumni and alumni parents. While participation is voluntary, all band member parents are welcome and encouraged to join the meetings and get involved.
2024 - 2025 Booster Officers
President - Jen Filipiak
Vice President - Jason Tyson
Treasurer - Carrie Naugle
Secretary - Tammy Kuntz
What the Band Boosters Do
Some of the activities we perform each year include:
Conduct several major fundraisers per year
Maintain and oversee the distribution of the 120+ High School band uniforms.
Operate the Concession Stand at varsity football games and feed both bands in the 3rd quarter (Band Barn)
Provide funding for special purchases, such as a new sound system for the Jazz Band
Chaperone the marching band at away football games.
Support this band website.
Promote band spirit through selling band merchandise.
Provide volunteers for various band events throughout the year.
Recognize graduating band seniors with a reception and gifts
Award scholarships to graduating seniors
Provide scholarships for marching band leaders attending Field Commander camps.
Enrichment scholarships for students participating in summer music programs
Band Booster Meetings
The Band Booster Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the High School APR. These meetings are where all official business is discussed, and planning happens.
We have committees for our annual events and ongoing roles. Here is a breakdown of the structure and our ongoing needs. Committee meetings for major events and fundraisers are held at 6:00 pm, a half-hour before the main booster meeting.
Apparel - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: May - July
Band Barn - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: August - October
Band BBQ - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: August
Banquet - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: September
Blitz Day - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: August - September
Concessions - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: August - October
Evening with the Band - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: October - December
Jazz Festival - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: January - May
Parade of Bands - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: July - September
Senior Night - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: August - September
Night at the Races - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: December - March
Website - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: Year Round
Year End Picnic - Chair, Co-Chair, and volunteers. Active: Toward the end of the School Year
Midview Band Booster Sign Up Form
As you can see from everything above, it takes a lot of work and parent volunteer hours to pull all of this off. The money raised from our fundraising activities provides necessary funding vital to the continued operation of the Band. If you would like to get involved, even if you can only volunteer for one volunteering slot per year, please let us know by filling out the form below.
How to Volunteer for Events and Games
Open the BAND App Calendar Event
If an event has volunteering opportunities, a link to volunteer will be provided in the event details.
Sign Up Genius Event Page
The link from the calendar event will open the Sign Up Genius event page. This page will give details about all available volunteer slots.
Pick a Volunteer Slot
You can choose the volunteer slot you would like to commit to. We list how many volunteers we need for specific roles. Some will need one parent volunteer, and some will need multiple. If any slots remain for that role, the "Sign Up" button will show. Select "Sign Up" and follow the prompts to complete your sign up. Roles with the maximum number of volunteer slots filled will show as "Full."