Rookie Information
Read The Blue Book
Check out the How to Stay Informed page
Download and use the Band app
Looked at the calendar link above & you are trying to figure out what's what?
First day of band camp is Rookie Day - if your student is new to band, they need to attend!
Parents must attend the parent orientation that night in the high school APR (All Purpose Room aka cafeteria).
Band camp is 3 weeks during the beginning of August, Mon-Fri 8am-12noon. Percussion stays until 1pm.
Uniform fitting nights - all students need to come try on uniforms and get fitted.
During marching season, when school is in session, there are Thursday evening rehearsals 6:00 - 8:30pm.
The google calendar specifies when students need to arrive at school to get ready for each football game. Each game varies depending on what is going on or where the game is being played.
What is Blitz Day? Learn more on Fundraisers > Blitz Day page
What is Parade of Bands - Annual fundraiser where several bands perform their shows. Midview puts on their own Parade of Bands and also typically participates in a Parade of Bands at a another school.
Fees & Forms DUE First Week of Camp
Every year, the band members will have fees to pay the first week of band camp. Click HERE for details.
Several forms are also due the first week of band camp. All forms & info are located HERE.
Attendance for all events in Band are required. The schedule is clear for June and July so vacations can hopefully happen during this time. Work is always considered an UNEXCUSED absence. Review Attendance policy HERE.
Marching Season Tips
Always check the calendar for details on each event.
On Thursday nights...
Make sure your Dinkles are clean! Dinkles are your marching shoes.
Pack your marching bag (including Dinkles, socks, gloves, shako/box (this is your hat), parka, flip folio & lyre)
Water bottle.
Before games, make sure you do not eat a super spicy/ greasy meal, and drink a lot of water!
Picking Up Your Child From Events
During the marching season we can have some late nights. However, all parents need to be ready to pick their child. The Directors cannot leave until every student is picked up. Please pick up your child in a timely manner, the Directors would like to get home at a decent time as well so they can see their loved ones.
Band Camp Tips
Band camp is at Midview High School for 3 weeks, Monday - Friday.
Arrive at MHS at 7:45am
Always eat breakfast in the morning.
Apply sunscreen BEFORE you arrive.
Wear weather appropriate clothing & comfortable shoes.
Bring a labeled large water jug, at least 1 gallon, filled with ice and water at every practice. The band takes frequent water breaks and lots of water is consumed.
You will also need: instrument, flip folio, black binder (with music and drill) and pencil.
Upcoming Events
A calendar will be available on the “band app”. Also, always check this website